
Showing posts with the label Dataflow

Simple Data Flow not extracting all records in table

 When a simple data flow isn't extracting all the records from a table as expected, there are several potential reasons for this issue. Here are some common causes and troubleshooting steps to consider: 1. **Filter Conditions**: Check if there are any filter conditions or WHERE clauses in your data flow configuration. Make sure these conditions are correctly set to include all the records you want to extract. Incorrect filter conditions can lead to missing records. 2. **Pagination or Batch Processing**: Some data extraction methods, especially when working with APIs or database queries, use pagination or batch processing. Ensure that you are handling pagination correctly and retrieving all pages or batches of data. 3. **Data Source Limitations**: Verify if the data source itself has limitations on the number of records that can be retrieved at once. Some APIs and databases impose limits on the amount of data that can be extracted in a single request. 4. **Connection Issues**: Check