
Showing posts with the label Npm

Error whe instaling npm packages, node modules directory being removed

 If you're encountering an issue where the `node_modules` directory is being removed when installing npm packages, it could be due to several reasons. Here are some common troubleshooting steps to resolve this problem: 1. **Check for Disk Space**: Ensure that you have enough disk space available on your system. If your disk is full, it can lead to unexpected issues during package installation. 2. **Use Correct npm Commands**:    - Use `npm install` to install packages, not `npm update` or `npm upgrade`. The latter commands are used to update packages, which might not work as expected.    - If you're using Yarn, use `yarn add` to add packages, not `yarn upgrade` or `yarn update`. 3. **Delete `node_modules` and `package-lock.json`**: If you suspect there is corruption in your `node_modules` directory or `package-lock.json` file, try deleting both and then running `npm install` again. Make sure to have a backup of your code and any custom configurations before doing this. 4. **Che