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How to completely remove locale from Manjaro Linux?

Question about completely removing locales from Manjaro Linux. Removing locales can help free up disk space and simplify the system configuration. To remove locales from Manjaro, follow these steps: **Warning: Be cautious when removing locales, as it can affect the system's behavior. Only proceed if you understand the implications and have a backup or recovery plan.** 1. **List Installed Locales**:    To see a list of installed locales on your system, run the following command:    ```bash    locale -a    ```    This command will show you the available locales on your system. 2. **Identify Locales to Remove**:    Review the list of installed locales and identify the ones you want to remove. Be very careful with this step, as you don't want to remove the locale your system is currently using. 3. **Remove Locales**:    To remove a specific locale, you can use the `localedef` command with the `--delete` option. For example, to remove the French locale (fr_FR):    ```bash    sudo lo