
Showing posts with the label Git

Fix: File gitignore does not work: how can I make it ignore files in subfolders?

 If your .gitignore file is not working as expected and you want it to ignore files in subfolders, there are a few things you can check and adjust: 1. **Use Appropriate Patterns**:    - Ensure that the patterns in your .gitignore file are correctly defined to match the files or folders you want to ignore. To ignore files in subfolders, you can use wildcard characters like `*` and `/`. 2. **Leading Slash**:    - A leading slash in .gitignore patterns is used to specify the root directory of your repository. If you want to ignore files in subfolders, avoid using a leading slash in patterns.    Example: To ignore all `.log` files in subfolders, you can use:    ```    *.log    ``` 3. **Check Your .gitignore Location**:    - Verify that your .gitignore file is in the correct location. It should be in the root directory of your Git repository or in the specific subdirectory where you want to apply the rules. 4. **Test the Patterns**:    - You can test your .gitignore patterns using tools lik

Github uncommited changes message

 If you have uncommitted changes in your Git repository and you want to add a message to describe those changes, you can do so using the `git commit` command with the `-m` flag to provide a commit message. Here's how to do it: 1. Open your terminal or command prompt. 2. Navigate to the root directory of your Git repository where the uncommitted changes are. 3. Use the following command to commit your changes with a message: ```bash git commit -m "Your commit message here" ``` Replace `"Your commit message here"` with a meaningful message that describes the changes you're committing. This message helps others (and your future self) understand the purpose of the commit. For example: ```bash git commit -m "Fix issue #123: Updated error handling in the login module" ``` After running the `git commit` command, your changes will be committed with the provided message, and they will no longer be considered uncommitted. Remember that it's a good practi

Git filter-branch gave me two sets of commits [dublicate]

 If the `git filter-branch` command has given you two sets of duplicate commits, it's likely due to a misconfiguration in your filter or a misunderstanding of the filtering process. Here are some steps to help you address this issue: 1. **Review Your Filter Criteria**: Check the criteria you used in the `git filter-branch` command. Make sure that you are filtering the commits correctly. Double-check your filtering conditions to ensure you're targeting the commits you intend to modify. 2. **Run `git filter-branch` Carefully**: Ensure that you run `git filter-branch` only once for the specific set of commits you want to modify. Running it multiple times on the same set of commits can result in duplicate sets. 3. **Back Up Your Repository**: Before you perform any history-altering operations with `git filter-branch`, it's a good practice to create a backup of your repository. This way, you can easily recover if something goes wrong. 4. **Use `git reflog`**: After running `git

Revert codes in multiple GIT repos by only removing changes to particular Change Request

 To revert changes in multiple Git repositories by removing the modifications related to a particular Change Request (CR) or pull request, you can follow these general steps: 1. **Identify the CR/Pull Request**:    You need to identify the specific CR or pull request that you want to revert. Note down the CR/PR number or identifier. 2. **Clone the Repositories**:    Clone the Git repositories that contain the changes you want to revert. Make sure you have access to these repositories. 3. **Checkout a New Branch**:    In each repository, create a new branch where you'll make the changes to revert the CR. This keeps your `main` or `master` branch intact.    ```bash    git checkout -b revert-CR123    ```    Replace `CR123` with the actual CR/PR identifier. 4. **Revert the Changes**:    Use the `git revert` command to create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the CR.    ```bash    git revert <commit-SHA>    ```    `<commit-SHA>` should be the commit hash ass