
Showing posts with the label Linux

Fix: How to identify the Physical Memory location from the Linux logs

 Identifying the physical memory location from Linux logs is typically not straightforward, as Linux logs usually don't provide this level of detail. The physical memory addresses and their mapping are handled by the operating system's kernel and are not readily exposed in standard system logs. However, you might be able to glean some information related to memory from Linux logs, especially in scenarios where there are memory-related issues. Here are a few log files and commands that could be helpful: 1. **System Log (`/var/log/messages` or `/var/log/syslog`)**:    - Look for messages related to memory issues, such as out-of-memory (OOM) events. These messages can provide some insights into memory problems but won't reveal physical memory addresses. 2. **`dmesg` Command**:    - You can use the `dmesg` command to display kernel ring buffer messages, which might contain information about hardware events, including memory-related events. However, again, it won't directly

Non-root access to a wifi adapter via ioctl in Linux app - how to grant?

 Providing non-root access to a WiFi adapter via `ioctl` in a Linux application typically involves configuring the permissions and access control of the specific device files and possibly using tools like `sudo` or capabilities. Here's a general approach to achieve this: 1. **Device File Permissions**:    WiFi adapters are represented as device files under the `/dev` directory. The first step is to adjust the permissions of these device files to allow non-root users to access them. You can use `chmod` to change the permissions, but be cautious about security implications:    ```bash    sudo chmod 666 /dev/your_wifi_device    ```    However, changing permissions to `666` means anyone can read and write to the device, which may be a security risk. It's better to restrict permissions to specific users or groups if possible. 2. **Add Users to the Appropriate Group**:    You can create a group for users who should have access to the WiFi device and add users to that group. Then, cha

Surprise in measuring UBIFS on NAND performance in Linux

 Measuring UBIFS (Unsorted Block Image File System) performance on NAND flash memory in Linux can indeed lead to some surprises and challenges. UBIFS is a flash-specific file system designed to work with NAND flash devices. When measuring its performance, you might encounter unexpected results due to the unique characteristics and challenges of NAND flash memory. Here are some potential surprises and considerations when measuring UBIFS performance: 1. **Wear-Leveling Impact**: NAND flash memory has a limited number of write/erase cycles. UBIFS incorporates wear-leveling algorithms to evenly distribute write and erase operations. Depending on how these algorithms work, you might observe varying write and erase speeds over time. 2. **Erase Blocks**: NAND flash operates in blocks that need to be erased before new data is written. If you write data frequently, especially small amounts, you might notice slower write speeds as blocks need to be erased more frequently. 3. **Garbage Collection is installed but steam and undertale still show this error

The error related to `` can sometimes be tricky to resolve, but it's typically related to the OpenGL libraries. Here are steps to address this issue when it affects Steam and games like Undertale: 1. **Check OpenGL Libraries**:    - Verify that the necessary OpenGL libraries are correctly installed on your system. The specific package names may vary depending on your Linux distribution. In many cases, you might need the `libgl1-mesa-glx` package. 2. **32-bit Libraries for Steam**:    - If you're running a 64-bit version of Linux, ensure that you have the 32-bit versions of the OpenGL libraries installed. On many Linux distributions, you can install these libraries using a command like:      ```bash      sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx:i386      ``` 3. **LD_LIBRARY_PATH**:     - Check that your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable is not interfering with the library loading process. It's best to avoid setting this variable manually, especially when running S