
Showing posts with the label LSP plugin

Fix: Compile LSP Plugins under Mac OS

 Compiling LSP (Language Server Protocol) plugins on macOS involves setting up the development environment, installing the required tools, and building the plugin using a specific language or framework. Here are general steps you can follow: 1. **Install Prerequisites**:    - You'll need a development environment, such as Xcode Command Line Tools, Homebrew, and a text editor or IDE for coding. 2. **Install Dependencies**:    - Depending on the language and framework used for the LSP plugin, you may need to install specific dependencies. For example, if you're using Node.js, you can use npm to install Node.js packages. If you're using Python, you can use pip to install Python packages. 3. **Choose a Language/Platform**:    - LSP plugins can be written in various programming languages, including JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and more. Choose a language and framework that suits your needs. 4. **Write the LSP Plugin**:    - Implement your LSP plugin using the chosen language a