
Showing posts with the label Openssl

Fix: Verify signature issue between jsrsasign ECDSA sample web and openssl tool

 If you're experiencing issues verifying an ECDSA signature between a web-based tool using jsrsasign and the OpenSSL command-line tool, here are some common troubleshooting steps to help identify and resolve the issue: 1. **Signature Format**: Check the format of the signature. ECDSA signatures can be represented in different formats, such as DER or raw R and S values. Ensure that both the web-based tool and OpenSSL are using the same format for the signature. 2. **Hash Algorithm**: Verify that both tools are using the same hash algorithm when generating the hash of the data to be signed. ECDSA signatures are created using a hash of the message. If the hash algorithm differs, the signature won't match. 3. **Key Format**: Make sure that the public key and private key formats are compatible between the web-based tool and OpenSSL. Different tools may use distinct formats for ECDSA keys. 4. **Encoding**: Ensure that the message being signed is consistently encoded. If your message