
Showing posts with the label Kubernet

Fix: How to alert when specific HPA's desiredReplicas is not equal to currentReplicas

 To alert when a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) in a Kubernetes cluster has its `desiredReplicas` not equal to `currentReplicas`, you can use Kubernetes monitoring and alerting tools such as Prometheus and Grafana. Here's a high-level approach to achieve this: 1. **Set Up Prometheus and Grafana:**    If you haven't already, set up Prometheus for monitoring and Grafana for visualization and alerting in your Kubernetes cluster. You can use Helm charts to simplify the installation process. 2. **Create a Custom Metric:**    You'll need to create a custom metric that exposes the `desiredReplicas` and `currentReplicas` values of your HPAs. You can do this using a Kubernetes Custom Metric Server (e.g., using the `custom-metrics-provider` for HPA) or by directly scraping the HPA status via Prometheus exporters. 3. **Define an Alert Rule:**    In your Prometheus configuration, define an alert rule that checks if `desiredReplicas` is not equal to `currentReplicas`. This can be done

Configure kubectl command to access remote minikube cluster on virtualbox debian VM

 To configure `kubectl` to access a remote Minikube cluster running on a VirtualBox VM hosted on a Debian VM, you'll need to set up the `kubectl` configuration to point to the remote cluster. Here are the steps to achieve this: 1. **Install `kubectl`:**    Ensure you have `kubectl` installed on your local machine. You can use a package manager or download it directly from the Kubernetes release page. 2. **Copy the Cluster Configuration:**    On the Debian VM where Minikube is running, you need to get the `kubeconfig` file that contains the cluster configuration. By default, this file is usually located at `~/.kube/config`. You can use SCP or any file transfer method to copy this file to your local machine.    ```bash    scp user@remote-debian-vm:~/.kube/config ~/.kube/minikube-config    ``` 3. **Set the `KUBECONFIG` Environment Variable:**    You can set the `KUBECONFIG` environment variable to point to the copied `kubeconfig` file on your local machine:    ```bash    export KUBECO

bad character U+002D '-' in my helm template

 In Helm templates, the hyphen character (`-`) can sometimes be treated as a reserved character, particularly when defining values or labels. To include a hyphen character in a Helm template without issues, you can use one of the following approaches: 1. **Quoting the Hyphen:**    You can enclose the hyphen in double quotes, like this:    ```yaml    key: "-"    ```    This way, Helm will interpret the hyphen as a string rather than an operator. 2. **Using Backticks:**    If you need to use the hyphen within a Go template function or inside backticks, you can escape it with a backslash (`\`), like this:    ```yaml    value: `{{ .Values.someField | printf "%s \\-" }}`    ```    The backslash prevents Helm from interpreting the hyphen as a special character. 3. **Variable Assignment:**    Assign the value to a variable and use it. For example:    ```yaml    {{- $hyphen := "-" }}    key: {{ $hyphen }}    ```    This way, you can use the variable `$hyphen` wher