
Showing posts with the label Sql server

Fix: how to create new login data and configure it with codeing in sql server?

 Creating new login data and configuring it in SQL Server involves a few steps. You can perform these tasks using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or T-SQL commands. Here's a general guide using T-SQL: 1. **Create a Login**:    You can create a new SQL Server login using the `CREATE LOGIN` statement. Replace `'YourLoginName'` and `'YourPassword'` with the desired login credentials. You can choose to use either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication (password-based login).    ```sql    USE master;    CREATE LOGIN YourLoginName WITH PASSWORD = 'YourPassword', CHECK_POLICY = OFF;    ```    If you want to create a Windows Authentication login, you can use:    ```sql    CREATE LOGIN [YourDomain\YourLoginName] FROM WINDOWS;    ``` 2. **Map the Login to a Database User**:    After creating the login, you should map it to a database user. Replace `'YourDatabase'` with the name of the database you want to grant access to:    ```sql    USE Your

Generate serial number before BULK insert in SQL Server 2016

 In SQL Server, you can generate serial numbers for rows before performing a BULK INSERT operation using the `ROW_NUMBER()` function and a common table expression (CTE). Here's an example of how to do it: Assuming you have a table named `YourTable` and a BULK INSERT operation like: ```sql BULK INSERT YourTable FROM 'C:\YourDataFile.csv' WITH (    FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',    ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ); ``` You can generate serial numbers before inserting the data as follows: ```sql -- Create a temporary table to store the serial numbers CREATE TABLE #TempTable (     SerialNumber INT IDENTITY(1,1),     OtherColumns VARCHAR(50), -- Adjust data types accordingly     -- Add other columns as needed ); -- Generate serial numbers and insert into the temporary table INSERT INTO #TempTable (OtherColumns) SELECT OtherColumns -- Adjust to select the relevant columns from your data file FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\YourDataFile.csv', FORMATFILE = 'C:\YourFormatFile.f

Sql server keeps returning invalid column name for the clv_tier alias

 If you're receiving an "invalid column name" error for an alias, it typically indicates that the alias you've used in your SQL query is not recognized. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue: 1. **Check the Alias Name:**    Verify that the alias you're using in your SQL query is spelled correctly and matches the alias used in the SELECT clause. Typos or case sensitivity issues can lead to this error. 2. **Check the Table and Column Names:**    Ensure that the table and column names you're referencing in your query are also spelled correctly. The alias should match the column name you're selecting or renaming. 3. **Position of the Alias:**    Confirm that you're using the alias in the correct part of the query. For example, if you're aliasing a column in the SELECT clause, make sure you're using the alias correctly in the WHERE, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY clauses, if applicable. 4. **Scope of the Alias:**    Be aware of the scope