
Showing posts with the label USB

how to make mouse and keyboard work again after disabled all input devices

  How to Troubleshoot Disabled Input Devices: Get Your Mouse and Keyboard Working Again If you've found yourself in a situation where your mouse and keyboard are not responding, don't fret! We understand how frustrating it can be when your input devices suddenly stop working. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of troubleshooting and getting your mouse and keyboard up and running again. Follow these steps to regain control of your computer. 1. Check Physical Connections Before diving into the software side of things, let's ensure that your mouse and keyboard are properly connected to your computer. Double-check all the cables and connections, making sure they are securely plugged in. Sometimes, a loose connection can cause devices to appear as disabled. 2. Restart Your Computer A simple restart can often resolve various issues, including disabled input devices. Restart your computer and see if the mouse and keyboard regain functionality. This basic

Sending serial data to a USB port from the terminal?

 To send serial data to a USB port from the terminal, you can use the `echo` command or other terminal utilities like `cat` or `dd`. Here's a general approach to send data to a USB device connected to a specific port: 1. **Identify the USB Device**: First, you need to identify the USB device that you want to communicate with. You can use the `lsusb` command to list connected USB devices and find the device you want to communicate with. Note down its device file (e.g., `/dev/ttyUSB0` for a USB-Serial adapter). 2. **Send Data**: You can use the `echo` command to send data to the USB device. For example, if you want to send the string "Hello, World" to the device `/dev/ttyUSB0`, you can use the following command:    ```bash    echo "Hello, World" > /dev/ttyUSB0    ```    Make sure you have appropriate permissions to write to the USB device file (you may need to use `sudo`). 3. **Other Utilities**: You can also use `cat` or `dd` to send data. For instance:    ```