
Showing posts with the label xinetd

Unable to compile xinetd on Slackware 15.0

 If you're encountering issues while compiling xinetd on Slackware 15.0, it's important to follow a systematic approach to diagnose and resolve the problem. Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot and successfully compile xinetd: 1. **Check Prerequisites**:    - Ensure that you have all the required dependencies and development tools installed on your Slackware system. This includes a C/C++ compiler (e.g., `gcc`), `make`, and any libraries or headers necessary for xinetd. 2. **Download the Source Code**:    - Download the xinetd source code from the official website or a trusted source. 3. **Configuration**:    - Navigate to the source code directory.    - Run the `configure` script, which generates the makefiles based on your system's configuration. For example:      ```bash      ./configure      ```    - Review the output of the `configure` script for any error messages or missing dependencies. 4. **Makefile Customization**:    - If there are issues with the generate