
Showing posts with the label Wireguard

Wireguard VPN handshake successful but no traffic/ ping

 If you've successfully established a WireGuard VPN connection, but you're experiencing issues with traffic or pinging, there could be a few reasons for this problem. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue: 1. **Check Configuration Files**: Review your WireGuard configuration files on both the server and client. Ensure that they match, including IP addresses, keys, and allowed IPs. A common mistake is misconfigured IPs or incorrect public/private keys. 2. **Firewall Rules**: Make sure your firewall rules on both the server and client allow traffic through the WireGuard interface. You might need to configure your firewall to allow UDP traffic on the WireGuard port (default is 51820). 3. **Routing Configuration**: Check your routing configuration. On the server, make sure it's correctly forwarding traffic. On the client, ensure it's routing traffic through the VPN interface. You may need to add custom routes. 4. **DNS Configuration**: Ensure you