
Showing posts with the label Cinnamon

How to use the Cinnamon panel when using Awesome Window Manager in Cinnamon?

 Using the Cinnamon panel in the Awesome Window Manager is a bit unconventional, as Awesome is a standalone window manager, and Cinnamon is a full desktop environment. However, you can try to use certain Cinnamon components within Awesome if you wish. Here are some general steps to attempt this: 1. **Install Cinnamon**: First, ensure you have Cinnamon installed on your system. You can usually install it through your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the command `sudo apt-get install cinnamon`. 2. **Log into Cinnamon Session**: Log into a Cinnamon session to configure the Cinnamon panel. Typically, you would do this by choosing "Cinnamon" or "Cinnamon (Software Rendering)" from the login screen's session options. 3. **Configure the Panel**: In Cinnamon, you can right-click on the panel, choose "Panel Settings," and configure it to your liking. You can add applets, launchers, and other items. 4. **Save the Configuration**: After settin