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Unloading data from Snowflake to S3 bucket in xml format

 To unload data from Snowflake to an S3 bucket in XML format, you can use Snowflake's `COPY INTO` statement with the XML format options. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Set up Snowflake**: Ensure that you have access to a Snowflake database and the necessary permissions to execute `COPY INTO` commands and read the data you want to export. 2. **Configure Snowflake Stage**: You need to define an external stage in Snowflake that points to your S3 bucket. This can be done using the `CREATE STAGE` statement. Here's an example:    ```sql    CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE s3_stage    URL = 's3://your-s3-bucket/path/'    CREDENTIALS = (       AWS_KEY_ID = 'your-access-key-id'       AWS_SECRET_KEY = 'your-secret-access-key'    );    ```    Replace `'your-s3-bucket/path/'` with the actual S3 path and provide your AWS access keys. 3. **Unload Data in XML Format**: Use the `COPY INTO` statement with the `FILE_FORMAT` option set to specify the desired output form