
Showing posts with the label Spring

Fix: Spring automatically uses fastTime instead of Date?

 In Spring Framework, when dealing with dates and times, it doesn't automatically use the `fastTime` field of `java.util.Date`. Instead, Spring often prefers to use the newer date and time classes provided by the `java.time` package introduced in Java 8, such as `LocalDate`, `LocalTime`, `LocalDateTime`, `ZonedDateTime`, and more. The `java.util.Date` class is considered legacy and has some limitations and issues, such as not being time zone-aware. The `java.time` classes provide better support for modern date and time operations. Spring Framework encourages the use of `java.time` classes in many of its modules, including: 1. **Spring Data**: Spring Data JPA and other data access modules often support `java.time` classes for mapping date and time values in databases. 2. **Spring Boot**: Spring Boot, a project within the Spring ecosystem, includes automatic configuration and support for `java.time` classes, which makes it easy to work with modern date and time types. 3. **Spring MVC