Fix: Best way to implement focus highlight in Jetpack Compose?

 To implement focus highlighting in Jetpack Compose, you can use the `Modifier.focusRequester` and `Modifier.focusModifier` functions. Here's a basic example of how to do it:

1. Define a `FocusRequester`:


val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }


2. Apply the `Modifier.focusRequester` to the composable that should receive focus:



    modifier = Modifier

        .clickable { /* Handle click event */ }




3. Define a composable that represents the focus highlight:


val focusModifier = Modifier

    .border(2.dp, Color.Blue)



4. Apply the `Modifier.focusModifier` to the composable that should display the focus highlight:



    modifier = Modifier

        .focusModifier(focusRequester, focusModifier)



Now, when the composable is clicked, it will request focus, and the composable with `focusModifier` will display a blue border to indicate focus. You can customize the appearance of the focus highlight by adjusting the `focusModifier` as needed.

This is a basic example, and you can further customize it based on your specific UI requirements.

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