How do I change text in Tkinter?

 To change text in a Tkinter application, you can use various widgets to display text, such as labels, buttons, or text widgets. The method for changing text depends on the widget you're using. Here are examples for some common widgets:

1. **Label Widget**:

   To change the text of a Label widget, you can use the `config` method or the `text` attribute.

   Using the `config` method:


   import tkinter as tk

   root = tk.Tk()

   label = tk.Label(root, text="Original Text")


   # Change the text of the label

   label.config(text="New Text")



   Using the `text` attribute:


   label["text"] = "New Text"


2. **Button Widget**:

   To change the text of a Button widget, you can similarly use the `config` method or the `text` attribute.

   Using the `config` method:


   button = tk.Button(root, text="Click Me")


   # Change the text of the button

   button.config(text="New Text")


   Using the `text` attribute:


   button["text"] = "New Text"


3. **Text Widget**:

   To change the text inside a Text widget, you can use the `insert` and `delete` methods.


   text_widget = tk.Text(root)


   # Change the text by deleting the existing content and inserting new text

   text_widget.delete(1.0, tk.END) # Delete all existing content

   text_widget.insert(tk.END, "New Text")


These are the basic methods for changing text in common Tkinter widgets. The specific method you use will depend on the widget you are working with. Make sure to have a reference to the widget you want to modify, and then use the appropriate method or attribute to change the text as needed.


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