
Showing posts with the label Gatsby.js

Fix: How to integrate gatsbyjs and panellum-react (VR) (Failures in deployment)

 Integrating Gatsby.js with panellum-react, a library for embedding 360-degree panoramic images or virtual tours in React applications, can be a bit tricky due to the nature of Gatsby's static site generation. However, with the right approach, it is possible. Here's a general guide on how to do this: 1. **Create a Gatsby Project**: If you haven't already, create a Gatsby project by running:    ```bash    npx gatsby new my-panoramic-app    cd my-panoramic-app    ``` 2. **Install Dependencies**: Install the necessary dependencies for Gatsby and panellum-react:    ```bash    npm install gatsby panellum-react react react-dom    ``` 3. **Create Panoramic Images**: Create or obtain your 360-degree panoramic images that you want to display. 4. **Create Gatsby Pages**: In your Gatsby project, create pages where you want to display the panoramas. For example, you could create a page under the `src/pages` directory. You can use GraphQL to fetch data dynamically for your panoramas. 5.