Is there any way to diff two snapshots in rocksdb?

 In RocksDB, you can compare two snapshots by using their sequence numbers. You won't directly diff snapshots in the traditional sense, but you can use the sequence numbers to determine the differences in key-value pairs between the two snapshots.

Here's a general approach to achieve this:

1. Get the sequence numbers of the two snapshots you want to compare.


   uint64_t snapshot1_seq = snapshot1->GetSequenceNumber();

   uint64_t snapshot2_seq = snapshot2->GetSequenceNumber();


2. Iterate over the keys and values in one of the snapshots (e.g., snapshot1) and compare them to the keys and values in the other snapshot (e.g., snapshot2).


   rocksdb::ReadOptions read_options;

   read_options.snapshot = snapshot1; // Use snapshot1

   rocksdb::Iterator* iter = db->NewIterator(read_options);

   for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {

       rocksdb::Slice key = iter->key();

       rocksdb::Slice value = iter->value();


       // Use snapshot2 to get the corresponding value

       read_options.snapshot = snapshot2;

       rocksdb::ReadOptions snapshot2_read_options;

       snapshot2_read_options.snapshot = snapshot2;


       std::string snapshot2_value;

       db->Get(snapshot2_read_options, key, &snapshot2_value);


       if (value != snapshot2_value) {

           // Key exists in snapshot1 but with a different value in snapshot2

           // You can handle the difference here



   delete iter;


This code snippet will help you identify key-value pairs that are different between the two snapshots by comparing their sequence numbers. You can then handle these differences as needed for your specific use case.

Please note that this is a basic example, and you may need to adapt it to your specific requirements and error handling. Also, be mindful of the performance implications of comparing large snapshots, as this can be an expensive operation.


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