Question about `inotifywait` not detecting line changes in an XFCE4 config file. If you're encountering a similar issue with `inotifywait`, which is a tool for monitoring file system events, particularly file changes, you can consider the following troubleshooting steps:
1. **Command Syntax**: Make sure you are using the correct syntax when using `inotifywait`. To monitor a file for changes, you would typically run:
inotifywait -m -e modify /path/to/file
This command sets `inotifywait` to monitor the specified file for modifications (line changes).
2. **Monitor Parent Directory**: Instead of monitoring just the file itself, you can monitor the directory where the file is located. Sometimes, changes to the file may not trigger events directly on the file itself, but rather on the directory.
inotifywait -m -e modify -r /path/to/directory
3. **Check Permissions**: Ensure that the user running `inotifywait` has the necessary permissions to access and monitor the file. You might not be able to watch files in certain directories if you lack the permissions.
4. **Editor Behavior**: Some text editors create temporary files when editing a file. These temporary files may replace the original file upon saving, which can affect the behavior of `inotifywait`. Depending on the editor and its settings, this might cause changes to go undetected. Be aware of your text editor's behavior.
5. **System Compatibility**: Some systems and file systems have limitations on inotify support. Ensure that your system and file system support inotify events.
6. **Testing with a Simpler File**: Create a simple text file, make changes to it, and see if `inotifywait` can detect the changes. This helps isolate whether the issue is specific to the XFCE4 config file or a broader problem.
7. **Logging Events**: Use the `-o` option to log inotify events to a file. This can help you debug what events are actually being generated when the file is modified. For example:
inotifywait -m -e modify --format %e /path/to/file -o /path/to/logfile
8. **Check the XFCE4 Behavior**: XFCE4 might use specific methods for saving or modifying its config files. Investigate whether XFCE4 performs some sort of temporary file replacement or other behavior that could be affecting the `inotifywait` events.
9. **Alternate Tools**: If you continue to experience issues with `inotifywait`, consider using other file monitoring tools like `inotify-tools`, `entr`, or `fswatch`. Different tools may have varying behavior, and one of them might better suit your use case.
If `inotifywait` is still not detecting changes in your XFCE4 config file after trying these steps, it might be helpful to provide more details about your environment and the specific config file in question for further troubleshooting.