How to Parse Hexadecimal Zigbee Messages from Sensors on Linux

Parsing a hexadecimal Zigbee message from a sensor generally involves a combination of decoding and interpreting the raw data sent via the Zigbee protocol. Below are the steps to parse the hexadecimal Zigbee message from a sensor on a Linux system. This assumes that you are using a tool like zigbee2mqtt, Zigbee2MQTT, or directly interacting with Zigbee through libraries such as pyserial and zigpy. The specifics may vary based on your environment, but the following should give you a general direction.

Step-by-Step Guide to Parsing Hexadecimal Zigbee Message

1. Install Dependencies

Ensure you have the necessary tools installed to interact with Zigbee networks. If you're using Python, you'll need to install libraries like pyserial, zigpy, or zigbee-cli. On Linux, you can use pip to install these dependencies.

For pyserial:

pip install pyserial

For zigpy (a Zigbee stack):

pip install zigpy

Alternatively, you can install Zigbee2MQTT, which is a widely-used tool for handling Zigbee communications. Install it with:

sudo apt-get install zigbee2mqtt

2. Communicate with the Zigbee Device

Once the appropriate tools are installed, connect your Zigbee coordinator to the USB port of your Linux machine. If you're using Zigbee2MQTT, make sure the coordinator is correctly configured. For example, the configuration file in zigbee2mqtt might have a line like:

  port: /dev/ttyUSB0

Alternatively, if you're manually interacting with a Zigbee module, open the serial port (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0) to listen for data.

3. Receive the Hexadecimal Zigbee Message

When a Zigbee sensor sends a message, it will be in a hexadecimal format, typically in the form of a string of characters like 01 23 45 67. You can capture this string using Python, zigpy, or other communication libraries. For example:

import serial

# Open the serial port
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)  # Adjust the port and baud rate as needed

# Read the incoming data
data =  # Read up to 100 bytes
hex_message = data.hex()  # Convert binary data to a hexadecimal string
print(f"Received message: {hex_message}")

4. Parse the Hexadecimal Data

The message from Zigbee sensors may contain various pieces of data such as device status, temperature readings, or other sensor-specific values. To interpret the hexadecimal message, you must understand the Zigbee protocol format and the structure of the sensor’s messages.

For instance, a Zigbee message might look like this in hexadecimal format: 01 00 00 1A 2B 3C 4D 5E 6F. This string represents raw binary data transmitted from the Zigbee device. Each byte has a specific meaning based on the Zigbee application profile and the sensor’s configuration.

Let’s break it down with a simple example where a Zigbee message is sent from a temperature sensor, and we know that the first byte represents the sensor ID and the next two bytes represent the temperature reading.

def parse_zigbee_message(hex_message):
    # Assume the first byte is the sensor ID
    sensor_id = int(hex_message[:2], 16)
    # Assume the next two bytes are the temperature value (in Celsius, for example)
    temp_hex = hex_message[2:6]
    temp = int(temp_hex, 16) / 100.0  # Convert the hex value to a decimal temperature
    print(f"Sensor ID: {sensor_id}")
    print(f"Temperature: {temp}°C")

# Example usage
hex_message = '01234A5678'  # A sample hex string received from the Zigbee sensor

In this example:

  • sensor_id is extracted from the first two characters (01).
  • The temperature reading is extracted from the next four characters (234A), converted to a decimal value and divided by 100 to represent the temperature in Celsius.

5. Decoding Zigbee Message in Detail

The actual format of Zigbee messages varies significantly between different devices, and the application layer defines the structure. For example, the message could follow a particular format specified in the Zigbee application profile (ZCL - Zigbee Cluster Library), with fields for source address, destination address, frame control, payload, and checksum.

To decode more complex Zigbee messages, you would need to refer to the Zigbee standard and the specific sensor documentation. Many Zigbee implementations, such as Zigbee2MQTT, allow you to interpret this data easily.

For example, Zigbee2MQTT provides a JSON-like structure for the decoded messages. It will translate the raw hexadecimal message into a human-readable format, such as:

  "temperature": 21.5,
  "humidity": 45,
  "battery": 85

This information is much easier to interpret compared to raw hex values.

6. Automating the Parsing Process

If you're working with a Zigbee network and need to continuously parse hexadecimal messages, you can create a script to listen to the Zigbee network, decode incoming messages, and then store or process the data.

For instance, using a Python script with pyserial and zigpy, you could continuously listen for messages, parse them, and print the results or even trigger actions based on the data received.

import time
import serial

# Open the serial port
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)

def listen_for_messages():
    while True:
        if ser.in_waiting > 0:
            data =  # Read up to 100 bytes
            hex_message = data.hex()
            print(f"Received Hex Message: {hex_message}")

# Start listening for messages

This script continuously listens for messages on the serial port, decodes each incoming message, and processes it accordingly.

7. Considerations for Advanced Parsing

If you need to parse Zigbee messages from multiple sensors with different formats, you might want to implement an adaptive parser based on device type or sensor model. Most Zigbee devices follow a standard format (e.g., for temperature sensors, motion sensors, etc.), but customization might be needed for proprietary devices.

Zigbee is a complex protocol with several layers of communication (PHY, MAC, Network, Application). You may need to consider advanced tools or libraries that support these layers, like zigpy or Zigbee2MQTT, which simplify the process by abstracting the lower layers of the protocol.


Parsing a hexadecimal Zigbee message from a sensor involves capturing the raw hexadecimal data and decoding it according to the Zigbee protocol. The exact format of the message depends on the Zigbee application profile and the specific sensor. By using tools such as Python’s pyserial and libraries like zigpy or Zigbee2MQTT, you can capture and decode Zigbee sensor data effectively. The key to parsing lies in understanding the message format and implementing the right conversion techniques, allowing you to retrieve and use sensor information in a meaningful way.

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