How to set dotenv variables in bash shell when changing directory?

 To set environment variables from a `.env` file when changing directories in a Bash shell, you can use the `dotenv` tool or manually source the `.env` file. Here's how you can do it:

1. **Using dotenv Command** (Recommended):

   The `dotenv` command is a tool designed for loading environment variables from a `.env` file. You can install it using Node.js and `npm`:


   npm install -g dotenv-cli


   Then, create a `.env` file in the directory where you want to load environment variables. The `.env` file should contain your environment variables in the format `VAR_NAME=VAR_VALUE`.

   Now, you can use the `dotenv` command in your Bash script to load the variables:


   cd /path/to/your/directory



   This will load the variables from the `.env` file in the current directory.

2. **Manually Sourcing the .env File**:

   If you don't want to use `dotenv` and prefer a manual approach, you can source the `.env` file using the `source` or `.` command in Bash:


   cd /path/to/your/directory

   source .env




   cd /path/to/your/directory

   . .env


   Make sure the `.env` file is in the specified directory and contains the environment variables you want to load.

Using the `dotenv` command is a cleaner and more standardized way to load environment variables from a `.env` file, and it's especially useful if you work with Node.js projects. However, manually sourcing the file with `source` or `.` also works if you prefer to use standard Bash commands.


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