FFMPEG converting FLAC to OPUS with cover image

 To convert a FLAC audio file to Opus format while preserving the cover image using FFmpeg, you can use the following command:


ffmpeg -i input.flac -i cover.jpg -c:v copy -c:a libopus -b:a 128k output.opus


Let me explain the command:

- `-i input.flac`: This specifies the input FLAC audio file.

- `-i cover.jpg`: This specifies the cover image to be included in the output Opus file.

- `-c:v copy`: This copies the video stream (cover image) without re-encoding.

- `-c:a libopus`: This specifies the audio codec to be used, which is Opus.

- `-b:a 128k`: This sets the audio bitrate to 128 kbps. You can adjust this value as needed for your desired audio quality.

- `output.opus`: This is the name of the output Opus audio file.

By using this FFmpeg command, you should be able to convert the FLAC file to Opus format while preserving the cover image in the output file. Make sure to replace `input.flac`, `cover.jpg`, and `output.opus` with your specific file names.

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