
Fix: How to move blob from one storage account to another using logic app

 To move a Blob from one Azure Storage account to another using Azure Logic App, you can use the built-in Azure Blob Storage connectors. Here's a step-by-step guide: **Prerequisites:** 1. Azure Logic App : Create an Azure Logic App if you haven't already. 2. Azure Storage Accounts: Have the source and destination Azure Storage accounts set up and accessible. **Step 1: Create a Logic App ** 1. In the Azure Portal, go to your Logic App's resource group and create a new Logic App if you don't have one already. **Step 2: Create a Trigger** 1. In your Logic App designer, select a trigger to start your workflow. For this example, you can use the "When a blob is added or modified (properties only)" trigger from the Azure Blob Storage connector. This trigger will start your workflow when a new blob is added or modified in the source storage account. **Step 3: Add an Action for Copying the Blob** 1. After the trigger, add a new action by clicking the "+" sign

Fix: Spring automatically uses fastTime instead of Date?

 In Spring Framework, when dealing with dates and times, it doesn't automatically use the `fastTime` field of `java.util.Date`. Instead, Spring often prefers to use the newer date and time classes provided by the `java.time` package introduced in Java 8, such as `LocalDate`, `LocalTime`, `LocalDateTime`, `ZonedDateTime`, and more. The `java.util.Date` class is considered legacy and has some limitations and issues, such as not being time zone-aware. The `java.time` classes provide better support for modern date and time operations. Spring Framework encourages the use of `java.time` classes in many of its modules, including: 1. **Spring Data**: Spring Data JPA and other data access modules often support `java.time` classes for mapping date and time values in databases. 2. **Spring Boot**: Spring Boot, a project within the Spring ecosystem, includes automatic configuration and support for `java.time` classes, which makes it easy to work with modern date and time types. 3. **Spring MVC

Fix: node.js native module SSL

 To work with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in a Node.js native module, you typically need to use the OpenSSL library and the Node.js `openssl` binding. SSL enables secure communication between a Node.js application and other services, such as web servers or databases, over an encrypted connection. Here are the general steps to create a Node.js native module that uses SSL: 1. **Prepare the Native Module**:    Create a new native Node.js module or use an existing one. You can set up your native module with the C/C++ code that will handle SSL functionality. 2. **Include OpenSSL Library**:    To work with SSL, you'll need to include the OpenSSL library in your C/C++ code. You can link against OpenSSL during the build process. Make sure you have the necessary OpenSSL headers and libraries installed on your system. 3. **Initialize SSL Context**:    In your native module's code, you'll need to initialize an SSL context using the OpenSSL library. This includes setting up SSL certific

Fix: What is the correct way to use react router with a rails application

 To use React Router with a Ruby on Rails application, you'll typically follow these steps to set up client-side routing for your React components within your Rails application: 1. **Set Up React App**:    Create a new React application or integrate React into your Rails application using a tool like Create React App or Webpacker. This will give you a structure for managing your React components and their dependencies. 2. **Define Your React Components**:    Create your React components that will serve as the views for different routes in your application. These components should be organized in a logical structure. 3. **Install React Router**:    Install React Router using npm or yarn in your React project. React Router is a popular library for handling client-side routing in React applications.    ```bash    npm install react-router-dom    ``` 4. **Configure Routes**:    Define your application's routes using React Router in your main React component. Typically, this is the e

Fix: Make Neotree open directory in full screen

 NeoTree is a directory tree plugin for Emacs that provides a sidebar file explorer. By default, it doesn't open directories in full screen. However, you can make NeoTree open directories in full screen by customizing its behavior. Here's a general approach: 1. **Install NeoTree**: If you haven't already, you need to install NeoTree. You can install it using a package manager like `use-package` if you're using Emacs. 2. **Customize NeoTree Behavior**: Add the following lines to your Emacs configuration file (typically `init.el` or `~/.emacs.d/init.el`) to customize NeoTree's behavior:    ```emacs-lisp    ;; Define a function to open NeoTree in full screen    (defun neotree-toggle-fullscreen ()      (interactive)      (neotree-toggle)      (if (neo-global--window-exists-p)          (neotree-show)        (neotree-hide)))    ;; Keybinding to toggle full screen NeoTree    (global-set-key [f8] 'neotree-toggle-fullscreen)    ```    In the code above, we define a funct

Fix: "java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host "

 The error message you provided, "java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host <xx.x.x.xx>," indicates that a Java program is attempting to establish a remote method invocation (RMI) connection to a specific host at the IP address `<xx.x.x.xx>`, but the connection is being refused. Here are some common reasons and troubleshooting steps for this error: 1. **Server Not Running**: The RMI server on the host with IP `<xx.x.x.xx>` might not be running. Ensure that the RMI server application is active and listening on the specified port. 2. **Firewall or Security Rules**: The host or an intermediate network device, such as a firewall, might be blocking the RMI connection. Check the firewall settings and any network security rules that could be preventing the connection. 3. **Wrong IP or Port**: Verify that the IP address and port specified in your Java program match the actual IP address and port of the RMI server.

Fix: Run macro based on cell contents if cell changes

 To run a macro based on the contents of a cell whenever the cell changes, you can use a Worksheet Change event in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Here's how you can set this up: 1. **Open VBA Editor**:    Press `Alt` + `F11` to open the VBA Editor in Excel. 2. **Insert a Module**:    If you don't already have a module, insert one by clicking "Insert" > "Module." 3. **Write the Macro**:    Write the VBA macro that you want to run when the cell contents change. For example, let's create a simple macro to display a message box when the cell `A1` changes:    ```vba    Sub MyMacro()        If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then            MsgBox "Cell A1 changed!"        End If    End Sub    ``` 4. **Set Up Worksheet Change Event**:    In the VBA Editor, find the worksheet in which you want to trigger the macro. Double-click the worksheet name, and in the code window for that worksheet, enter the following code:    ```vba    Private Sub