Why a Mutating Method of a Struct Cannot Be Passed as a Function Parameter in Go

In programming, particularly in languages like Go, structs are widely used to represent collections of data in an organized manner. Methods that operate on structs allow the manipulation of data within these structures. However, a common question among developers is why a mutating method of a struct cannot be passed directly as a function parameter. To understand this, it is essential to delve into how structs, methods, and the concept of mutability work within the context of programming languages, particularly in Go.

In this article, we will explore the core reasons behind this limitation and analyze how passing mutating methods of structs can impact the code's behavior. By dissecting key concepts like method receivers, value vs reference semantics, and the nature of mutating methods, we aim to clarify this fundamental question for developers and shed light on how to overcome such issues in practice.

Understanding Structs and Methods in Go

In Go, a struct is a composite data type that groups together variables (fields) under a single type. This allows for modeling complex objects, such as employees, cars, or even geographical coordinates, by combining different pieces of information into a single unit.

For example, consider a struct for a Car:

type Car struct {
    Make  string
    Model string
    Year  int

This struct defines a Car with three fields: Make, Model, and Year.

In Go, methods can be associated with structs. These methods allow you to perform actions on the struct’s data. For example, a Car might have a method to display its details:

func (c Car) DisplayDetails() {
    fmt.Println("Make:", c.Make)
    fmt.Println("Model:", c.Model)
    fmt.Println("Year:", c.Year)

In the example above, DisplayDetails is a method associated with the Car struct. However, what if you want to mutate the struct's fields? This is where the concept of mutating methods comes into play.

Mutating Methods and Receivers

A mutating method is a method that modifies the state (or fields) of a struct. To enable a struct method to modify the struct’s fields, you need to define the method with a pointer receiver. This pointer receiver allows the method to work with the struct's memory address and mutate its fields.

For example, consider the following method that updates the year of a Car:

func (c *Car) UpdateYear(newYear int) {
    c.Year = newYear

In this case, the receiver is *Car, a pointer to a Car. This allows the UpdateYear method to mutate the Car struct’s state by modifying the Year field.

In contrast, if the method were defined with a value receiver, like so:

func (c Car) UpdateYear(newYear int) {
    c.Year = newYear

This method would not mutate the original Car because it operates on a copy of the struct rather than the struct itself.

Passing Methods as Parameters

Passing a method as a function parameter involves passing either a value or a reference (pointer) of the method. In Go, when a method is passed around, its behavior changes based on the receiver type:

  1. Value receiver: A method with a value receiver creates a copy of the struct when called. Thus, any modifications inside the method do not affect the original struct.

  2. Pointer receiver: A method with a pointer receiver operates on the struct directly, allowing the method to modify the struct's fields.

Why Mutating Methods Cannot Be Passed as Function Parameters

Now that we have a basic understanding of structs, methods, and receivers, let’s explore why a mutating method of a struct cannot be passed as a function parameter. The answer lies in Go’s method binding rules and how functions handle method receivers.

1. Method Binding in Go

In Go, methods are bound to a specific type through their receiver. This means that when you define a method for a struct, that method is associated with either the value or the pointer of the struct. However, this binding is not dynamic; once a method is defined with a specific receiver type, it can only be called with that exact receiver type.

For example:

func (c *Car) UpdateYear(newYear int) {
    c.Year = newYear

func main() {
    car := Car{Make: "Toyota", Model: "Corolla", Year: 2021}
    updateMethod := car.UpdateYear // This won't work; 'car' is a value, not a pointer

Here, car.UpdateYear will not work because UpdateYear is a pointer method (i.e., it expects a pointer receiver). Since car is a value, Go cannot bind the method to the value of car. The compiler would throw an error indicating that the method cannot be bound to a value receiver.

To fix this, you would need to pass a pointer to car, like this:

updateMethod := (&car).UpdateYear

2. Passing Methods as Parameters: Value vs Pointer

When you pass a method as a parameter in Go, the type of the method receiver matters. If the method is defined with a pointer receiver, you can only pass it to a function that expects a pointer type. If the method is defined with a value receiver, it creates a copy of the struct, and you can pass it as a value.

This leads to the core issue: You cannot pass a method with a pointer receiver as a function parameter unless the function explicitly expects a pointer type. This is because Go enforces strict type checking when binding methods to receivers. If you attempt to pass a mutating method as a parameter to a function that expects a value receiver, you will encounter a type mismatch.

3. Implications of Mutating Methods

Mutating methods are designed to modify the state of the object they operate on. However, when such methods are passed as parameters, it’s crucial to ensure that the object being mutated is accessible by reference (pointer), rather than by value. Passing by value results in a copy of the object, which undermines the purpose of the mutation. Consequently, Go restricts the ability to pass a mutating method as a function parameter unless you adhere to pointer semantics.

How to Work Around This Limitation

While it is not possible to directly pass a mutating method with a pointer receiver as a function parameter, there are a few approaches you can use to work around this limitation.

1. Use a Function That Accepts a Pointer

Instead of passing the method itself as a function parameter, pass a function that accepts a pointer to the struct and performs the mutation. This way, the function can modify the struct directly.


func UpdateCarYear(c *Car, newYear int) {
    c.Year = newYear

func main() {
    car := Car{Make: "Toyota", Model: "Corolla", Year: 2021}
    UpdateCarYear(&car, 2022)
    fmt.Println(car.Year) // Output: 2022

Here, instead of passing the method UpdateYear, we define a separate function UpdateCarYear that accepts a pointer to the Car and mutates the Year.

2. Use Interfaces

Another approach is to define an interface that allows you to mutate the struct, and then pass the interface around. By using an interface, you can abstract away the specific implementation details and allow for more flexible method invocation.


type CarUpdater interface {
    UpdateYear(newYear int)

func UpdateCar(u CarUpdater, newYear int) {

func main() {
    car := &Car{Make: "Toyota", Model: "Corolla", Year: 2021}
    UpdateCar(car, 2022)
    fmt.Println(car.Year) // Output: 2022

In this example, CarUpdater is an interface that has the UpdateYear method. The UpdateCar function can accept any type that implements this interface, thus allowing for flexibility in passing mutating methods as parameters.

3. Pass Structs as Pointers

Finally, if you need to pass a mutating method as a parameter, always pass the struct as a pointer, rather than a value. This ensures that the method operates on the actual instance and allows mutations to take effect.


In Go, mutating methods of structs cannot be passed directly as function parameters due to the way methods are bound to their receiver types. The receiver type—whether value or pointer—determines how the method interacts with the struct and whether it can mutate its fields. To pass a mutating method, you must ensure that the method's receiver matches the expected parameter type, typically a pointer, to allow direct modification of the struct’s state. By understanding the distinction between value and pointer receivers and using workarounds like functions accepting pointers or interfaces, developers can overcome this limitation and maintain the mutability of structs within their code.

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