Solving the Error: java: package org.testng.annotation does not exist While Running Your First Java Maven Program with Selenium WebDriver for Chrome

Solving the Error: java: package org.testng.annotation does not exist While Running Your First Java Maven Program with Selenium WebDriver for Chrome

If you are encountering the error java: package org.testng.annotation does not exist when running your first Java program with Maven and Selenium WebDriver to launch the Chrome browser, you're not alone. This issue is fairly common and typically arises due to issues with dependencies, configuration, or incorrect setup of TestNG in your Maven project.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of diagnosing and solving the error step by step. By the end, you'll be able to execute your Java program using Maven and Selenium WebDriver without encountering the org.testng.annotation error.

1. Understanding the Issue

The error message you're seeing (java: package org.testng.annotation does not exist) indicates that Maven is unable to find the required TestNG package, particularly the @Test annotation used to define test methods. TestNG is a testing framework commonly used in Java projects, and it’s essential for running tests when combined with Selenium WebDriver.

In the context of Selenium, TestNG is often used to write, organize, and execute automated tests. If the required dependency for TestNG is missing or incorrectly configured in your project, you will run into this error.

2. Ensure Correct Dependency for TestNG

The first thing you should check is whether the TestNG dependency is added to your Maven pom.xml file. If TestNG is missing, Maven will not be able to resolve the org.testng.annotation package, resulting in the error you’re seeing.

To resolve this, you need to add the correct TestNG dependency to your pom.xml. Follow these steps:

2.1 Open pom.xml

Open your pom.xml file, which is located at the root of your Maven project. This file contains all the dependencies, plugins, and build configurations for your project.

2.2 Add TestNG Dependency

Add the following dependency for TestNG in the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml file:


Ensure you use the latest version of TestNG available. The above example uses version 7.4.0, but you can check Maven Central for newer versions.

2.3 Save the pom.xml

After adding the dependency, save the pom.xml file. Maven will automatically download the necessary TestNG libraries when you rebuild your project.

3. Verify the Selenium WebDriver Setup

If you're working with Selenium WebDriver to automate browser actions, it’s important to ensure that the necessary Selenium dependencies are also added to your pom.xml file. Without the correct WebDriver setup, you will not be able to launch the Chrome browser or interact with web elements.

Here’s an example of the dependencies required for Selenium WebDriver:



Make sure that the versions are aligned with your project requirements. Selenium 3.141.59 is a stable version for most projects, but newer versions like Selenium 4 can also be used depending on your needs.

4. Install ChromeDriver

In addition to adding the necessary dependencies, you also need to ensure that the ChromeDriver binary is installed on your system. ChromeDriver is required to launch and control the Chrome browser using Selenium.

4.1 Download ChromeDriver

Go to the official ChromeDriver website: and download the version of ChromeDriver that matches your installed version of Google Chrome.

4.2 Set Path to ChromeDriver

Once downloaded, extract the chromedriver executable to a known directory on your system. You must set the system property in your Java code to specify the path to the chromedriver executable. You can set the path programmatically like this:

System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");

Alternatively, you can add the ChromeDriver path to your system’s PATH environment variable for easier access across different projects.

5. Example Code for Selenium with TestNG

With all dependencies in place and the configuration complete, you can now write your first Selenium WebDriver test with TestNG. Below is a simple example code that uses TestNG to open the Chrome browser and navigate to a website:

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class ChromeTest {
    WebDriver driver;

    public void setup() {
        System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");
        driver = new ChromeDriver();

    public void openWebsite() {
        System.out.println("Title of the page is: " + driver.getTitle());

6. Run the Maven Project

Now that the code is in place and everything is configured, it’s time to run your Maven project. You can run the Selenium WebDriver test using the following Maven command:

mvn clean test

This command will compile the project, run the tests, and display the output in the console. If everything is set up correctly, the Chrome browser should launch, navigate to Google, and display the page title.

7. Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re still encountering the java: package org.testng.annotation does not exist error, here are a few troubleshooting tips:

7.1 Clean and Rebuild the Project

Sometimes Maven may not download the dependencies correctly on the first try. Run the following Maven commands to clean and rebuild the project:

mvn clean install
mvn clean test

These commands will remove any cached dependencies, download the correct versions, and rebuild the project from scratch.

7.2 Check Dependency Scope

Ensure that the scope for TestNG is set to test in your pom.xml. If it’s missing or set incorrectly, Maven will not include it in the compile classpath for your main code.

7.3 Verify the Correct Version of Java

Make sure you are using a compatible version of Java. TestNG and Selenium WebDriver are generally compatible with Java versions 8 and higher, but using an incompatible version of Java could lead to issues. You can check your Java version with the following command:

java -version

If necessary, upgrade to a supported version.

7.4 Check TestNG Package and Imports

Ensure you have imported the correct TestNG annotations in your Java class. For example, you need to import org.testng.annotations.Test for the @Test annotation:

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;

8. Conclusion

The error java: package org.testng.annotation does not exist typically occurs due to missing or misconfigured dependencies for TestNG in your Maven project. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can resolve the issue and successfully execute your Java program with Maven, Selenium WebDriver, and TestNG to launch the Chrome browser.

Ensure that your pom.xml contains the correct dependencies, verify your ChromeDriver installation, and check that the TestNG annotations are correctly imported in your Java code. After rebuilding the project, you should be able to run your Selenium tests without any issues. With this, you are well on your way to automating web applications using Selenium and TestNG in a Java Maven project.

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