Based on the search results and my knowledge, here's a 2000-word explanation on whether Firestore in Datastore mode is considered obsolete now that there is Firestore in Native mode:
### Understanding Firestore Modes
Firestore offers two primary modes: Native mode and Datastore mode. Each mode has its own characteristics and use cases.
#### Native Mode
Firestore in Native mode is the newer, more feature-rich version of Firestore. It introduced several improvements over Datastore:
1. A strongly consistent storage layer
2. A document-based data model (collections and documents)
3. Real-time updates
4. Mobile and web client libraries with offline support
5. Improved scalability for concurrent clients [1]
#### Datastore Mode
Firestore in Datastore mode aims to provide backwards compatibility with the original Cloud Datastore:
1. Uses the same entity group and kind structure as Datastore
2. Supports the Datastore v1 API
3. Removes some limitations of Datastore, such as query consistency restrictions
4. Does not support features like real-time updates or offline persistence [1]
### Is Firestore in Datastore Mode Obsolete?
While Firestore in Datastore mode is not officially deprecated, it has become less prominent compared to Native mode. Here's why:
1. **Feature Set**: Native mode offers a wider range of features, including real-time updates, offline support, and improved scalability for concurrent clients. These capabilities are crucial for many modern applications, especially those targeting mobile platforms [1].
2. **New Projects**: Google recommends using Firestore in Datastore mode for new server projects that need backwards compatibility with Datastore. However, for new mobile and web apps, they suggest using Native mode instead [1].
3. **Automatic Upgrade**: Existing Datastore databases were automatically upgraded to Firestore in Datastore mode. This suggests that Datastore mode was seen as an evolutionary step rather than a replacement [1].
4. **Limited Feature Support**: Datastore mode disables some Firestore features that are not compatible with Datastore, such as real-time updates and offline persistence [1].
5. **Client Libraries**: The client libraries available for Datastore mode are limited compared to Native mode. Native mode supports a broader range of languages and frameworks through its client libraries [1].
### Considerations for Choosing Between Modes
When deciding between Native mode and Datastore mode, consider the following factors:
1. **Compatibility Requirements**: If your project needs to maintain compatibility with existing Datastore-based systems, Datastore mode might be preferable [1].
2. **Application Type**: For new mobile and web applications, Native mode is generally recommended due to its real-time capabilities and offline support [1].
3. **Scalability Needs**: Native mode can automatically scale to millions of concurrent clients, which may be beneficial for large-scale applications [1].
4. **Query Performance**: Both modes offer strongly consistent queries across the entire database, but Native mode provides more flexibility in query operations [1].
5. **Security and Access Control**: Both modes use Identity and Access Management (IAM) for database access control [1].
6. **Performance and Scalability**: Native mode can handle high throughput and concurrent clients better due to its document-based architecture [1].
### Migration Between Modes
If you decide to switch between modes, Google provides tools to facilitate this process:
1. **gcloud Command**: You can change a database to Native mode using the command:
gcloud firestore databases update --type=firestore-native --database='DATABASE_ID'
2. **REST API**: Similarly, you can change to Datastore mode using:
curl --request PATCH \
--header "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"type":"DATASTORE_MODE"}' \
However, it's crucial to note that changing modes requires an empty database, as there's no way to convert existing data between the two modes [1].
### Best Practices
1. **Choose Wisely**: When creating a new Firestore database, carefully consider whether you need Datastore compatibility or Native mode features.
2. **Version Control**: Keep track of your chosen mode and any changes made to it.
3. **Testing**: Thoroughly test your application after switching modes, especially when migrating from Datastore to Native mode.
4. **Stay Updated**: Regularly check Google Cloud documentation for any changes or recommendations regarding Firestore modes.
5. **Consider Future Needs**: Think about potential future requirements when choosing between modes. Native mode might be more flexible for long-term development.
### Summary
While Firestore in Datastore mode is not officially obsolete, it has become less prominent compared to Native mode. Native mode offers a wider range of features, better scalability for concurrent clients, and improved compatibility with modern application architectures.
However, Datastore mode still has its place, particularly for projects requiring strict backwards compatibility with Datastore or dealing with complex entity group structures. The choice between modes depends on your specific project requirements, target platform, and scalability needs.
As technology evolves, it's important to stay informed about any changes in Google Cloud's offerings and recommendations. While Datastore mode may not be considered "obsolete" in the traditional sense, its role in new projects is diminishing in favor of Native mode.