Updating tab labels in gradio

 In Gradio, you can update the labels of the tabs in a Tabbed layout by modifying the labels of the layout's tabs. Here's how you can update tab labels in Gradio:


import gradio as gr

# Create a function to be displayed in the first tab.

def function_1():

    return "This is Tab 1 content"

# Create a function to be displayed in the second tab.

def function_2():

    return "This is Tab 2 content"

# Create a Tabbed layout with default tab labels.

layout = gr.Interface(fn=[function_1, function_2], layout="tabbed")

# Set custom labels for the tabs.

layout.layout_set_tab_labels(["Tab 1", "Tab 2"])



In this example, we first create two functions (`function_1` and `function_2`) to be displayed in two different tabs. Then, we create a `Tabbed` layout with default tab labels. To update the tab labels, we use the `layout_set_tab_labels` method and pass a list of custom labels as an argument.

By running this code, you will see a Gradio interface with two tabs, each labeled as "Tab 1" and "Tab 2". You can customize the labels according to your requirements.

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