umount /chrootedpath /dev/pts after several chroot(s): target is busy

 The "target is busy" error when trying to unmount a chroot environment, specifically `/dev/pts`, indicates that there are still processes or files using the chroot environment, and it cannot be unmounted until they are released. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

1. **Identify Processes**:

   First, you need to identify the processes that are using the chroot environment. You can use the `fuser` or `lsof` command to find these processes.

   Using `fuser`:


   sudo fuser -v /chrootedpath


   Using `lsof`:


   sudo lsof | grep /chrootedpath


   This will give you a list of processes that are currently accessing the chroot environment.

2. **Stop or Kill Processes**:

   You may need to stop or kill the processes that are using the chroot environment. Be careful with this step, as forcefully killing processes can lead to data loss or instability.

   To stop a specific process using `SIGTERM` (15), you can use the `kill` command:


   sudo kill -15 <process_id>


   If the processes do not respond to `SIGTERM`, you can use `SIGKILL` (9):


   sudo kill -9 <process_id>


   Repeat this for all the processes you identified.

3. **Unmount**:

   Once you have stopped or killed the processes, you should be able to unmount the chroot environment:


   sudo umount /chrootedpath


   If you still encounter the "target is busy" error, double-check that no processes or files are using the chroot environment. You may need to repeat steps 1 and 2 until you can successfully unmount it.

4. **Verify Unmount**:

   After successfully unmounting, verify that the chroot environment is no longer mounted by running:


   mount | grep /chrootedpath


   The command should return no results, indicating that the chroot environment is unmounted.

Please exercise caution when forcibly killing processes, as it can have unintended consequences. If the chroot environment is used by important system processes, consider alternative approaches to stop and unmount it gracefully.


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