Samba server flagging vulnerability scanner due to "CIFS Password Does Not Expire"

 The "CIFS Password Does Not Expire" vulnerability typically arises from security scans because the Common Internet File System (CIFS) authentication is set in such a way that user passwords do not expire, posing a potential security risk. To address this concern, you can modify the Samba server configuration to implement password expiration policies for CIFS users. Here's how to do it:

1. **Edit the Samba Configuration File**:

   Open the Samba configuration file for editing. The file is usually located at `/etc/samba/smb.conf`. You may need superuser (root) privileges to edit it. Use your preferred text editor to open the file:


   sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf


2. **Configure Password Expiration**:

   Find the section in the configuration file that pertains to the share you want to configure password expiration for, or add a new section if necessary. You can configure password expiration by adding the following lines:


   password aging = yes

   password max age = 90

   password min age = 0

   password history = 0


   - `password aging = yes`: Enables password aging.

   - `password max age = 90`: Sets the maximum password age (in days). Adjust the value as needed.

   - `password min age = 0`: Specifies the minimum password age (0 allows immediate password change).

   - `password history = 0`: Defines the password history (0 means no password history).

   Adjust these values according to your organization's security policy.

3. **Save the Configuration**:

   After adding these lines, save the configuration file and exit the text editor.

4. **Reload or Restart Samba**:

   To apply the changes, either reload or restart the Samba service:

   - Reload Samba configuration:


     sudo systemctl reload smbd


   - Restart Samba (if reloading doesn't apply changes):


     sudo systemctl restart smbd


5. **Testing and Verification**:

   After making these changes, verify that password aging is working as expected by changing a user's password and checking if it expires according to the configured policy.

By implementing password expiration policies, you can enhance the security of your Samba server. Be sure to communicate these policies to your users, and consider integrating Samba with your organization's broader authentication and security practices.


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