If you're encountering a syntax error related to the `from_` parameter in your Twilio Python code, it's important to make sure you're using it correctly. `from_` is a valid parameter in Twilio's Python library for specifying the sender's phone number. Ensure that you are passing it as a keyword argument when creating a message.
Here's a basic example of sending an SMS using the `from_` parameter:
from twilio.rest import Client
# Your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token
account_sid = 'your_account_sid'
auth_token = 'your_auth_token'
# Create a Twilio client
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
# Define the sender's phone number (from_)
from_phone_number = '+1234567890'
# Define the recipient's phone number (to)
to_phone_number = '+0987654321'
# Send an SMS
message = client.messages.create(
body="Hello, this is a test message!",
Make sure you have correctly defined `from_phone_number` and that it is a valid Twilio phone number associated with your Twilio account. If you're still encountering a syntax error, please provide more details about the error message, and I can help you further.