If you want to remove the `apt` command from a prebuilt Docker image, you can create a new Docker image based on the existing one and remove `apt` and its related packages during the image build process. Here's how you can do it:
1. **Dockerfile**:
Create a new `Dockerfile` to build a new image. In this Dockerfile, you will start with the base image you want to modify and remove the `apt` command and related packages. For example:
# Use the base image you want to modify
FROM base_image:tag
# Remove the apt package manager
RUN apt-get remove --purge -y apt && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean
Replace `base_image:tag` with the actual name and tag of the base image you want to modify.
2. **Build the New Image**:
Build the new Docker image using the Dockerfile you created. Make sure the Dockerfile is in the same directory where you run the build command.
docker build -t modified_image:tag .
3. **Run the New Image**:
You can now run containers from the new image without the `apt` command:
docker run -d modified_image:tag
Keep in mind that this approach creates a new Docker image that doesn't include the `apt` command, but it does not modify the existing image. This way, you can run containers based on the new image that do not have access to `apt`.