How to convert little endian PCM audio samples to big endian

 To convert little-endian PCM audio samples to big-endian in C#, you can use simple bit manipulation techniques. Little-endian and big-endian refer to the byte order in which data is stored. Converting from little-endian to big-endian involves reversing the order of bytes for each sample. Here's a sample code to perform this conversion:


public static byte[] ConvertLittleEndianToBigEndian(byte[] littleEndianData)


    if (littleEndianData.Length % 2 != 0)


        throw new ArgumentException("Input data length must be even for PCM audio samples.");


    byte[] bigEndianData = new byte[littleEndianData.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < littleEndianData.Length; i += 2)


        // Swap the bytes for each 16-bit sample

        bigEndianData[i] = littleEndianData[i + 1];

        bigEndianData[i + 1] = littleEndianData[i];


    return bigEndianData;



You can use this function to convert little-endian PCM audio data to big-endian. Here's how you might use it:


byte[] littleEndianData = ...; // Replace with your little-endian audio data

byte[] bigEndianData = ConvertLittleEndianToBigEndian(littleEndianData);

// Now bigEndianData contains the audio data in big-endian format.


Make sure to replace `...` with your actual little-endian PCM audio data. This code assumes that the audio data is in 16-bit PCM format, where each sample is represented by two bytes. If your data format is different, you may need to adapt the code accordingly.


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