Fix: React proxy not changing port

 If you're using the React development server with a proxy configuration, but the proxy is not changing the port as expected, here are some troubleshooting steps to identify and resolve the issue:

1. **Check Your `package.json` and `setupProxy.js` (if used):**

   First, ensure that you have the correct proxy settings in your React project. Open your `package.json` file and look for a "proxy" key. It should point to the server you want to proxy to. For example:


   "proxy": "http://localhost:5000"


   If you're using a custom setupProxy.js file, make sure it's correctly configured to proxy requests.

2. **Restart the React Development Server:**

   After making changes to your proxy settings, restart the React development server to apply the new configuration.

3. **Check Your Server Configuration:**

   Verify that the server you're trying to proxy to (e.g., a Node.js server or an API server) is running and listening on the specified port (e.g., 5000 in the example above). Ensure there are no issues with the server's configuration or firewall rules that might prevent it from responding to the proxy.

4. **Check for CORS Issues:**

   If you're trying to proxy to a server with a different origin (e.g., a different domain or port), ensure that the server is correctly configured to allow cross-origin requests. You may need to configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) settings on the server to allow requests from the React development server.

5. **Check for Errors in the Console:**

   Open your browser's developer console (usually by pressing F12 or right-clicking and selecting "Inspect") and check for any error messages or warnings related to the proxy configuration. These messages can provide valuable insights into what might be going wrong.

6. **Use Environment Variables:**

   Consider using environment variables to define your proxy settings, which can make it easier to switch between development and production environments. For example, you can use a `.env` file or a `.env.development` file to store environment-specific configurations.

7. **Double-Check Network and Firewall Settings:**

   Ensure that there are no network or firewall rules in your development environment that might be affecting port forwarding or communication between your React development server and the proxy target server.

8. **Test with a Different Port:**

   If you suspect a conflict with the default port, you can try specifying a different port for your React development server using the `--port` flag when starting the server. For example:


   npm start -- --port 3000


   Then, adjust your proxy settings accordingly.

By following these steps and checking your proxy configuration, server settings, and network environment, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the issue of the React proxy not changing the port as expected.


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