Fix: How to fill an Icon with custom image in next js

 In Next.js, if you want to fill an icon with a custom image, you can create a custom component that combines an icon and an image. You can use a combination of HTML and CSS to achieve this effect. Here's a general example of how you can do it:

1. **Create a Next.js Component**:

   First, create a custom React component in your Next.js project. You can name it something like `CustomIcon.js`.


   import React from 'react';

   const CustomIcon = ({ imageSrc }) => {

     return (

       <div className="custom-icon">

         <img src={imageSrc} alt="Custom Image" />





           viewBox="0 0 100 100"


           {/* Your SVG path or icon code goes here */}





   export default CustomIcon;


2. **Styling with CSS**:

   Style your custom icon using CSS. You can add CSS modules to your Next.js project to scope your styles to this component. Here's an example of how you might style it:


   /* CustomIcon.module.css */

   .custom-icon {

     position: relative;

     width: 100px;

     height: 100px;


   .custom-icon img {

     position: absolute;

     top: 0;

     left: 0;

     width: 100%;

     height: 100%;



3. **Using the Custom Icon**:

   Import and use your custom icon in a Next.js page:


   import React from 'react';

   import CustomIcon from '../components/CustomIcon';

   import customImage from '../public/custom-image.jpg';

   const MyPage = () => {

     return (


         <h1>Custom Icon with Image</h1>

         <CustomIcon imageSrc={customImage} />




   export default MyPage;


4. **Customize SVG**: Replace the comment in the `CustomIcon` component with the SVG code you want to use. You can create your own SVG or use an existing one.

This example combines an SVG icon with an image, positioning the image above the icon. You can customize the sizing and styling to fit your needs. Make sure to replace `custom-image.jpg` with the path to your custom image.

This approach allows you to create custom icons with images easily in your Next.js application.


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