Fix: How to call the functions from fetchwrapper properly?

 To call functions from a "fetchwrapper" or any wrapper you have in your code, follow these general steps:

1. **Import the Wrapper**:

   Make sure you import the wrapper in your code.


   import fetchwrapper from './fetchwrapper'; // Replace with the actual path to your fetchwrapper


2. **Invoke the Functions**:

   Call the functions provided by the wrapper as needed.


   // Example usage

   const url = '';

   const options = {

     method: 'GET',

     headers: {

       'Authorization': 'Bearer YourAccessToken',



   fetchwrapper.get(url, options)

     .then(response => {

       // Handle the response


     .catch(error => {

       // Handle errors



   In this example, `fetchwrapper.get()` is used to make a GET request with the provided URL and options. You can use other functions provided by your wrapper, such as `` or `fetchwrapper.put()`, depending on your specific needs.

3. **Pass Appropriate Parameters**:

   Ensure that you pass the appropriate parameters, such as the URL and options, depending on the specific function you are using.

4. **Handle Responses and Errors**:

   Handle the responses and errors returned by the wrapper functions using `.then()` and `.catch()`. You can add your application-specific logic for processing data or handling errors.

The exact usage may vary depending on how the "fetchwrapper" is implemented and what functions it provides. Be sure to consult the documentation or source code of the wrapper to understand how to use it correctly.


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