Fix: EF Core - empty array returned when executing stored procedure against MSSQL server

 If you're getting an empty array when executing a stored procedure against an MS SQL Server using Entity Framework Core in .NET, there are several potential causes for this issue. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and address the problem:

1. **Check the Stored Procedure**:

   Ensure that the stored procedure is defined correctly and doesn't have logic that inadvertently returns an empty result set. Test the stored procedure directly in SQL Server Management Studio to verify that it produces the expected results.

2. **Check Parameter Values**:

   Confirm that the parameter values you are passing to the stored procedure match the expected data types and values. Incorrect parameter values can result in an empty result.

3. **Check Mapping and Model**:

   Ensure that your Entity Framework model and mapping are correctly set up to match the structure of the result set returned by the stored procedure. The model should have properties corresponding to the columns returned by the stored procedure.

4. **Check Null Handling**:

   Verify that your stored procedure doesn't return NULL values in columns that you are expecting to have data. If NULL values are returned, you might need to handle them in your .NET code to prevent an empty array.

5. **Check Context and Database Initialization**:

   Ensure that your Entity Framework context is properly initialized and connected to the correct database. Double-check the connection string in your configuration to make sure it points to the right database.

6. **Use `FromSqlRaw` or `FromSqlInterpolated`**:

   When calling the stored procedure using Entity Framework Core, you should use `FromSqlRaw` or `FromSqlInterpolated` to execute the stored procedure. Make sure that you are using the appropriate method to map the result set to your model.


   var results = dbContext.YourEntity.FromSqlRaw("EXEC YourStoredProcedure @param1, @param2", param1, param2).ToList();


7. **Check for Errors**:

   Ensure you are capturing any errors that occur during the execution of the stored procedure. Entity Framework Core can throw exceptions if there are errors during execution, which can result in an empty result.

8. **Logging and Debugging**:

   Implement extensive logging and debugging in your code to trace the execution and results of the stored procedure call. This will help you identify where the issue is occurring.

9. **SQL Server Permissions**:

   Ensure that the user account used by your application to connect to SQL Server has the necessary permissions to execute the stored procedure and access the data it requires.

10. **Use `SqlCommand`**:

    If you continue to face issues, you can use `SqlCommand` to execute the stored procedure directly and examine the raw results returned by SQL Server. This can help you understand whether the issue is with Entity Framework or the stored procedure itself.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing the empty array when executing a stored procedure using Entity Framework Core against an MS SQL Server.

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