Fix: Accessing curtain wall panels properties in c# for autodesk design automation

 To access curtain wall panel properties in C# using Autodesk Design Automation for Revit (DA4R), you'll need to create a Revit add-in that can run in a headless environment, which is typical for design automation. Here's a basic outline of how you can access curtain wall panel properties:

1. **Set Up Your DA4R Environment:**


   Ensure that you have set up your Autodesk Forge account and configured your DA4R environment. You'll need to have the necessary credentials, Forge App, and the AppBundle set up to run your Revit add-in.

2. **Create a Revit Add-in:**

   Develop a Revit add-in using the Autodesk Revit API in C# to access curtain wall panel properties. Here's an example of how to access panel properties:


   using Autodesk.Revit.DB;

   using Autodesk.Revit.UI;

   public class CurtainWallPanelProperties


       public void GetPanelProperties(Document doc)


           FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);



           foreach (Element panel in collector)


               // Access panel properties here

               Parameter heightParameter = panel.LookupParameter("Height");

               Parameter widthParameter = panel.LookupParameter("Width");

               if (heightParameter != null)


                   double height = heightParameter.AsDouble();

                   // Do something with the height


               if (widthParameter != null)


                   double width = widthParameter.AsDouble();

                   // Do something with the width






3. **Package the Add-in for DA4R:**

   Create a package that includes the add-in DLL, dependencies, and the necessary manifest file.

4. **Upload to DA4R:**

   Use the Autodesk Forge API to upload your package to the DA4R environment and create a WorkItem to run the add-in.

5. **Execute in DA4R:**

   Trigger the execution of your add-in in the DA4R environment. It will process the Revit file, access the curtain wall panel properties, and generate the desired output.

6. **Retrieve Results:**

   Retrieve the results of your DA4R job, which may include the panel properties or any other data you need.

Keep in mind that the specific properties you want to access may vary depending on your Revit model and the template you are working with. Make sure to reference the Autodesk Revit API documentation for information on the available properties and methods for curtain wall panels and other Revit elements.

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